Thursday 25 February 2021

'Get to Know You' blog blast 25 February, Week 4!

We continue our 'Get to Know You' Blog Blast series today. Please be descriptive and help our worldwide blog audience get to know you better, by answering the key question above in the comments.


  1. Hi Room 8 Jarvis here, I have a Black Labrador named Albert. He is a really good guard for our house, but he isn't aggressive and he doesn't bite. He got attacked by another dog and didn't even bite back. That't how nice he is, when he goes to sleep he cuddles up with is tennis balls. It is sort of funny because if we try and take them, he will sprint over and protect them. He can do some tricks like high five and high ten, he can sometimes roll over, we have had Albert since I was 1 year old. In humans years Albert is 8 and in dog years he is 64 (wow!) I wish he was a female because then he could have adorable puppies
    blog ya later.

  2. Malo e lelei Room 8 it is Etena I have 2 dogs their names are Rocky and Cyrus. One of them have cancer we notice he had cancer 2 years ago. The vet has given him medicine he is doing well. see you later

  3. Kia ora Room 8,
    My name is Mariam.
    Wow, good question Mr Moore!
    Well...I have a pet kitten and it is 5 months old. She is white and black,she is normally cheeky,she sleeps in the garden when it is so nice and warm outside,have I mentioned that her name is Lolly? She gets very very greedy when its near bed time.We normally have to calm her with some warm milk. Mr Moore do you have a pet at your house?

  4. hi Room 8 and Mr Moore it is Phoenix. I want a dog because they can be the guards for your home.I want 2 dogs because I want one can be at the back of the house and one can be at the front. Thank you for reading this.

  5. Hello Room 8. I have two dogs. One is 5, the other one is 15 (in human years not dog years.)
    One is called Cash, the other is Wyatt. Cash is a Labrador, Wyatt is a Hunterway crossed with something else, I'm not sure what. Wyatt is a barky dog and a fast one! Cash lays down and can sometimes bark when he wants food or needs a help up. If cash wasn't a dog, he would be a grizzly bear.

    Can you guys guess which one is the older one, and which one is the younger one?

  6. I have two pets at home and both are cats, one is called Ruby and the other is called Tiger. Tiger weighs 10 kgs, which is a lot for a cat. Ruby only weighs 6kg!

    They like to be scratched and to sleep... a lot. You can find both of them sleep pritty much anywere. Tiger is Ruby's son she also had alot of other kittens but we gave them away.

    But that is just my cat I've also taken care of like rabbits, goldfish, frogs and tadpoles, all of which I do not remember things like their names and personalities. I was not evey alive when we had Rabbits.

    I like pets and you should to!

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  8. Kia ora, Charlotte here from Room 8.
    I have a small fluffy white puppy! She is a girl and she is called Lilly, her breed is a maltese cross bichon-frise.She get EXCITED when you 'chase' her - in other words, play with her.She likes the house and also loves going outside on walks and running in the long grass. Lilly will growl when another dog come ANYWHERE around her food ( she loves food.) She has many tricks like.... sit,lay-down,standing on two legs and jumping,up and around, dance,jump over, paw and roll-over.
    The pet I REALLY want is a HORSE! (I love HORSES!)
    If you had my dog what would you name it??
    Byeee hope you have a nice day.

  9. Kia ora Room 8! Isabella here!
    I love pets so much! I will tell you some pets I used to have. I used to have 8 rabbits and two bunnies!! I forgot all of my rabbits names ONLY cause I was little.Now I have 1 Dog called Marina A.K.A Rina. She was really white but... she is a outside dog! Now she is really dirty.If I had no pets I would get a Otter and a Red pander because they are my favourite animals!
    Thanks for sharing!
    What pets do you want and how many?
    Blog ya later!

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  11. Hi Room 8 and Mr Moore My top two animals I used to were dogs. their names are Honey she was a girl and the other dog is call Butter he is a boy. He is fat and he is cute and he is younger. Honey is old she does nothing.
    Blog you later

  12. Hi Mr Moore if I had a pet I would have a bunny because it is so cute and fluffy. It will be easy to look after . I would have a little one.
    Blog you later Litiane

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  14. Hi my name is Levi from your classroom. I have one dog and his name is Brownie. He loves running after cats. But I tell him to 'Come over here!' and he listen to me. He rolls around on the grass and scratches his back. He cries because he doesn't like the backyard. My brother play fights with my dog, and he gets angry and it gets. what pet will you want and why? bye see you later.

  15. Hi I'm Byesion and I'll explain my FIVE cats. First one up is the youngest two... Smoky and Tipsy.

    Smoky is a cat that either is sleeping inside, sleeping outside, chasing Tipsy, playing outside and killing rats. Quick note about Smoky - as soon as I close the door to go to sleep, he'd scratch the door like there's no tomorrow. Smoky somehow caught a BIRD. A bird! How could you catch a bird!?

    Next up, Tipsy. Tipsy is a shy one. She really gets scared easily. Tipsy is a grey and white cat, while on the other hand Smoky is a more plain shade of gray. She can be found sleeping on the cushion, neatly placed on the bottom right corner of my bed. She can also be found running away from Smoky, playing with the other cats, sleeping on top of me, sleeping on my sheets, and running away from us.

    Next is the most interesting one. Gin Gin. Gin Gin is a traveller. He'd come back, then go away for 2 weeks or more! We get worried, then he comes back. Gin Gin can be found somewhere anonymous. Maybe in a dark corner or in a hole some where. Or hes sleeping on the cushion... but most of all he loves to headbutt your head while your lying down minding your own business.

    Anyway, on to the next cat. Blacky, she's kind of like Gin Gin. Her fur was silky smooth. Actually she can be found somewhere, sitting down, lying down, or killing rats.

    Ok, to the last cat. The mother of them all, Lucky. She was the first cat from my sister's birthday... then she gave birth to a bunch of cats. Anyway, she can be found headbutting your leg, or on the ramp railing because that's the only place I really see her.

    we also had a stray kitten called kitty for a bit but then she just disappeared

    Last note, they all sometimes get under the deck, mostly Tipsy and Smoky though.

    just a question what pet would you like to have?

    Alright that's it for me. BYE!!!

  16. Hi this is Carlos Here. I don't have a pet but if i did i would have a German shepherd because they sound cool and look cool and they are my type And they are really strong and they are fearless. and all so i would have a little pet bunny because they are SOOOOO CUTE and fluffy
    or i would have a parrot because they are cheap and it will for my room and that is facts bout me having a pet. What pet do you have or want that is mine. BYE BYE see you later๐Ÿ˜œ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ

  17. KIA Ora my name Liberty.

    And I am going to tell you what pet I would enjoy having.If I could get one pet in the world I would get......A PUPPY/DOG. The breed of dog I would like is a beagle, to train it for its job as a security dog. I love beagles because they have long ears very long ears. If I could name the beagle I would name it lucky. Because its a nice name for a pet in my opinion that's why I would name lucky lucky. I would take it for walks every day and care for it.I would also like a bunny. I would probably name the bunny gangster the bunny!!!! I would name gangster because its a funny name and I like it like that. If I could get both pets I would. because the more, the merrier. But I would have to make sure they don't eat each other. Well the dog doesn't eat the bunny. what pet do you have or you want? And is it a mystical pet or not? how meany pets do you want?
    Thanks for reading my comment bye.

  18. Hi my name is Christian, I don't have a pet. But my sister does, She has a little kitten. The kitten is cute, fluffy and slow. But me and my brother Rio hate animals that have claws. My brother Richie doesn't mind cats. Anyway, I would want no pets because a dog will just bark every night, and it will distract someone that is sleeping. Some other pets will just jump and break your objects, scratch your body, poop on the floor,and will do a lot of annoying stuff that they do. Would you have a pet or no pet like me? Goodbye

  19. KIA ORA Marcella here,
    I have a cat called Stanley!!! My family got him from the SPCA When he saw us looking at the cats he jumped on to the door of his cage.He climbed up in till his head touched the roof of his cage.A cute thing about Stanley is that he has white fur on his paws, tummy and nose. The white on his paws makes it look like he has tiny mittens. He was tiny and only 3 months old. He is nearly 2 now and is still very energetic and loves hunting. Stanley scratched loads when he was a kitten. Now he barely ever scratches anyone except my brother. My brother annoys Stanley but not very much any more because he has got scratch a lot. Stanley's birthday is in 3 days. Do you have a pet? Whats its name?????

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  22. Hey Room 8! Rose here!I wish I had one but I do not but I'm getting one well. It's hard for me to decide out of wolf and dog I think I would want both but mostly a wolf because their hard to have around here but also they are fluffy and cute .Most of them like snow which is a another reason because I love snow but theirs no snow in Auckland .Also I would call it fluffy .Ooh I used to have a lot of pets before I moved to Mt Albert they were 2 Rabbits ,1 Parrot,1 cat , 2 dogs when I moved to Mt Albert I got 2 chickens they were mine and my twin sister Rita I named mine Goldy and I forgot what her chickens name was it was awhile ago but anyways just want to mention my Mum moved to Auckland she used to have a horse but I don't know much about it because I wasn't born at the time . If you had to decide what would you have and if you know what would you call it ? Blog you later !!! Rose๐ŸŒน

  23. Kia ora Remy from Room 8 here, I have a pet cat Lilac Ragdoll and her name is Ivy. She is 2 years old. At the catery calls her powder puff because she is fluffy. She got named Ivy because when we got her my Sister and her friend Ruby made a name comp. Ruby called out a name and she Ivy didn't care than my sister called out Ivy and she looked at my Sister. when ever I come home I sit down on the couch and she comes to me and meow's. And when were about to leave we see her either on the cover of the pool or on the neighbour's roof and she does the sketchiest jump! She always brings in Birds, Rats, Mice, Cricket's, cicada's and much more. I have got heaps of funny videos of her bringing in stuff. When she was little she used to be so shy now she's going crazy like: Scratching the back of the chairs ( we have to tell her off with that one). She's not scared to scratch us and now she's got a boyfriend called Max. he and her always play fight in our backyard and some of the time she runs up to Max and stops right in front of him and taps him in the face but how we know that his name is Max is because the owner is the person at the hairdresser's by muzza's pies.He must of got into a fight with another cat because he's got a abscess.
    Blog ya later.

  24. Hola! It's Rita L here from Room 8!
    I do have a couple pets! First is my cat....
    Picnic/Coco: Coco is a Tuxedo cat x Russian blue x tabby Cat. She is a bit evil, but very loving in the morning she'll walk up to you and want pats. She has a wierd thing were she'll meow at her food and when you pat her while she eat she get so happy shes weird.
    Next is one of my chickens!
    Honey/chicky: Honey is a independent chicken! she'd be okay if she was living by herself. She does like to peck your fingers however, she is a ISA brown, she was a rescue from a battery farm.
    Next is my other chick!
    Juelita/ Girly: Juelita is a very Dependent chicken. When ever she is away from Honey she make her really loud noise and she was there when her best friend Dumbledor died She is also a ISA brown and a rescue from a battery farm.
    ANd last is my fish
    Squezy/Fishy Squezy absolutly loves her fish food. what he'll do is he acts hungry so everyone that goes in hes room would feed him.
    whats your favourite pet

  25. Kia ora Room 8 Mila here I have 6 pets.
    We have two fish, two snails that clean the fishes tank, then we two frogs that are very
    noisy at night.

    We also used to have one bunny,parrot,and 3 more fish but they died. We also had 2 fish but we gave them away. We also gave away chickens. We had 3 chickens, and two died.
    And that is all my pets I had over the year.If you had a pet what would it be? I would have a dog.


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