Tuesday 30 March 2021

Room 8 Ponder 30/3



Yesterday, we read the story 'The Three Fishing Brothers Gruff.' It really got us thinking, because it links perfectly to our inquiry topic and our focus on protecting our oceans.

Please add a comment below - what were some of the themes of the story? What was the moral of the story? What did you learn from this book?


  1. KIA Ora R8 My name is Liberty from Owariaka school,

    I think the moral of the story was that you shouldn't be greedy.
    And get as much as you can use.Because there are other people that
    might need the same thing. And not be able to use it because there is
    nothing left for them. The story remands me f the three bey goats gruff.
    I learnt from this story is that there are other people and they need some stuff to.
    hope you like my comment bye,

  2. Hi, I’m Zac from Room 8 and I think that the theme was greed. I think that the moral was to not take more then you need and I lerned that you should be nice to the poeple around you and to not be too greedy. byyyyyyyyye!

  3. Kia ora my name is Remy, and i think theme was greed and meaness. The moral is that do not overfish an don't take more than you need.I learnt that if you are bad karma will happen to you. Blog ya later

  4. Hello Room 8 I learnt that if your bad bad things will happen to you. Also the moral of the story is don't take more than you need. The three fishing brothers gruff are really mean, selfish, and greedy.
    Blog ya later

  5. Kai Ora Marcella here,
    I enjoyed this story. I think that the fishing brothers gruff all had very bad personalty's
    They were greedy, mean and a bad example of being a kaitiak. The themes ar ethat being mean and greedy does not pay of like being kind and showing kaitiakitanga does.I figured out that it was a like to the billy goats gruff exept the goats were good but the fishing brothers are BAD!
    Thank you for posting

  6. Kia ora Rm 8 Mila here I learnt that it's bad to fish in place that has lot's of fish in it
    because it's not showing Kaitiakitanga and not hlep the environment it's sad for fish.

  7. Kia ora room 8. I learnt that some areas could possibly have no fish and some could have heaps because people aren't overfishing, but others are greedy and they are thinking about theme selves and not the rest of the people in that town and that was shown in the book when they caught way to much.
    blog ya later -George

  8. Hello Room 8 Rita L here
    In the book The Three Fishing Brothers gruff
    they brothers were evil and nasty the took the small fish before they grew and took to many fish and i'ed say that the moral of the story was that fish enough for yourself and chuck back the smaller fish so that they could live a life

  9. Kia ora! I learnt that if you do something bad it will return to you, Because in the story they the 3 brothers were GREEDY and fished all the fish and the whale got revenge. And I think one of themes of the story is that be careful when fishing and what amount you take.
    Because you can get into trouble as well as the ocean.
    Byee have a nice day.

  10. Kia Ora Room 8,
    Mariam here,
    I learnt that if you use a electric boat that uses Toxic oil it can kill them.
    And neither of them are showing kaitiakitanga Wich means Care for the earth.
    Hopefully know one in this world does that.

  11. Kia Ora Room 8! Isabella here!This book is good because it teachers you not to lie! I learnt not to lie to get what you want and it is always good to be a kaitiakitanga!The 3 brothers were very greedy and the only cared about fish and being rich.At the end they learnt their lesson!
    Blog ya later!
    Isabella! What do you think about the brothers? You think they are nice or naughty?

  12. Hey Room 8 .
    Rose here !!! I learnt that you shouldn't be mean or rude or nasty or else something bad will happen to you and its bad to lie also the moral of the story is to probably not to lie and to steal the theme of the story is to be careful when your out fishing and to male sure you don't take to much fish and to be careful cause some areas you can't fish.

    Blog u later!!!

  13. HI Room 8 it Quan from room 8 I think it is so cool the fish book is one of the bust book in the school. I like the book because it look like you can go and cut some fish

  14. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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