Friday 16 April 2021

What was a major success for us in Term One, in Room 8?

 Wow - our first term has come to an end already. Room 8 has bonded well and grown into a close-knit little whanau, who work hard for each other and make each other feel valued and welcome.

As a teacher, my major success has been settling into Owairaka, and developing great connections with my students. I am loving my time at Owairaka District School, and especially with Room 8.

Please review our student blogs, to see our blog posts about our one major success this term in Room 8!

We have worked hard to:
- Be detailed, explaining their reason for writing in the introduction, and including a concluding statement at the end

- Write to entertain, using adjectives, adverbs and strong sentence starters (we have been doing this in our workshops to practice.) - include links, images, surveys or questions to engage our readers and give them further information to review.


  1. Hello My name is sio from St Pius x. School i like your work but you need to start this over and do it again i am from Auckland New Zealand Road Glen Innes.

  2. hello my name is Taniela,
    I am from St Pius X School. there seems to be something behind your work if you could check it, your same as ours our class has grown into a close knit two.


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