Wednesday 10 February 2021



  1. Kia ora, Room 8 3 goals that I am trying to acheive are:
    1. get good at nitro type
    2. get good at road patrols
    3. get good at drumming
    and I know it's only 3 goals but I've got two more divison and soccer oh and I can not forget get good at rugby.
    Blog ya later

  2. Hello room 8 this is Jarvis and my goals are to:
    1. Get better at road patrols
    2. get into Eden Albert athletics team
    3. try and go to a soccer tournament a table tennis tournament and a cricket tournament.
    blog ya later

  3. Hi, I’m Zac from Room 8 and my goals are to get better at typing, learn how be a good school partrol and go on a dubble black dimand when sking. This was fun to ponder thank you for the post, byyyyyyyyye!

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  5. kia ora,My name is Mariam from room 8.
    I really like this GET TO KNOW YOU PONDER about your goals.
    1.I would like to be good at drawing
    2.I would love to practise swimming
    3.I want this year to be better then last year like a fresh new pair of shoes.

  6. hi room 8 my goals for this year are
    1.try out for more football clubs.
    2.get good at typing.
    3.get better at reading
    4.get better at being a goal keeper and mid field in foot ball

  7. Hey Room 8! Rose here!
    Here is 3 goals I want to achieve this year .
    Goal 1.To get better at art and drawing
    Goal 2. To get better at sports especially netball
    Goal 3. And to get a medal at the end of the year

    Blog u later !!!

  8. kia ora Room 8! Isabella here!
    Here are 3 goals I want to achieve:
    Goal 1. My goal is to get better at sport.What sport? Netball and soccer.I am not the best golly.
    Goal 2.I want to get better at art. I love drawing and painting but I want to get better.
    Goal 3.I want to get better at math.The math I struggle with is fractions and divided by's.
    Blog ya later!
    What is your goal?

  9. hi sir it's Daeure. my 3 goals. Goal 1 is being a good person respect to others. Goal 2 being a great artist doing art all the time. Goal 3 learn to math reading and spelling all the time because it help's me to spell words properly. That's my 3 goals bye

  10. Hola! It's Rita L from room 25 Hope your all having a great day!
    My 2021 goal......
    first goal would be to get better at horse riding mostly jumping since the last thew time I've jumped a horse I have fallen of (It doesn't really hurt though) also getting better a flatwork/lounging and flying changes also and learning exactly what a half halt and more fowards mean!
    My seacond goal for 2021 is to get better at drawing since my last teach and I say that im a perfectionist wich means its hard for me to think that my drawing is good enough!
    and last but not least would be to do this dog walking/traning thing with my friends Amy Charlotte and Mikayla!

  11. Hi my name is Liberty room 8 my goals are

    1. get better at divided-bays

    2. and get better at typing

    3.I want to get better at history

    that's all my goals for now

  12. Kia ora, Charlotte here from Room 8!
    My goals for 2021 are, To get better at... 1.Horse riding,I really want to do a normal medium sized jump without touching the bar, I also want to try a canter and gallop.
    2. I really want to get way better at art! I can draw dogs and some animals but it takes an hour for me to draw a dog the looks good, so I hope to get better!
    3. I want to do a dog walking/training business with my friend Amy, Rita and Mikayla.
    What would you choose for your 2021 goals!
    I have more but I have to go.
    here is my blog

  13. Hi my name is Carlos In Room 8. My first goal is To get better at drawing and to get better than Christian because he is really good. My second goal Is to get better at Typing and my 3 goal is to get really good at Art because it makes me entertained by watching art video and I see my Cousin do art. BYE those are my 3 goals

  14. Hi my name is Christian and my class is Rm 8.
    1. Try and get a rugby trophy at prize giving at the end of this year

    2. Type more faster at nitrotype

    3. Be the loudest person in the Cook Island group at the end of this year
    Ka kite and goodbye

  15. Kia ora Room 8 my goals are
    1.get better at using the chromebooks
    2.get better at art
    3. get better at typing
    blog ya later

  16. kia ora My name is Marcella
    my goals for 2021 are:
    1. To get better at division get better at work on chrome books
    3. work on typing with out looking at the keys
    hope you like my three goals for this year

  17. kia ora room 8 I have 3 goals and they are
    1.get better at the chromebooks
    2.going faster at work
    3.get better at my divison.

  18. Hi It's Byesion and I've thought over it and I've made 3 goals here they are. my first one is about maths specifically algebra, I want to learn the very basics of algebra. my next one I've had for a while It's to get much better at writing well handwriting not writing. my third and my final goal is to get better at just being able to complete big projects a lot quicker then I am because I Don't complete work that fast sometimes I don't even complete it! well those are my three goals for 2021. BYE!!! 😁


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