Friday 12 March 2021

Our Ponder for today

 On this week's edition of Kea Kids News, we learned that our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, regularly reads letters sent to her by school children all over the country!

In fact, letters from young kaitiaki persuaded her to begin a new project, to protect something very special in New Zealand waters. This links to the Young Ocean Explorers work we have been doing during Inquiry time.

Your Ponder for today:

'How did young people manage to stand strong, and  make a positive impact on our marine life?'

To answer this key question:

- Watch the clip 

- EITHER answer this key question on your blog as a blog post 


create an article review, where you preview the article on using Screencastify. During your review, make sure you answer the key question for your audience.

You will achieve success if you:

- provide some background information to explain what your task was

- Present (in writing, or speaking) a detailed answer to our key question, based on evidence from the text.

- include      - one adverb     - one strong sentence starter        - 100% correct full stops and capital letters

Follow this link to find the article.

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