Friday 28 May 2021

Update from Room 8 - and a huge thank you!


Congratulations to Coco, Levi and George, this week's certificate winners. These three bring such enthusiasm and work ethic to our classroom. This was reflected in their attitudes towards cross country, production practices and other learning this week.

A big thank you to all of our parents who came along for our walk to the cross country, and supported us during the race. We appreciate you making the effort to be involved.

Congratulations to Jarvis, Remy and Marcella, who all finished in the top six in their respective races. Remy, Jarvis and George were part of the Owairaka football team who entered the top grade tournament earlier in the week, and impressed on and off the field during the tournament.

So many wonderful achievements! For the class learning side of things, try asking our learners about:

- The story of Wairaka, and their mural artworks

- Problem Solving, and the number of faces, vertices and edges in 3D shapes

- How important it is to know all of your times tables up to 12 by the end of the year

- Whether they handed in their completed reading and maths booklets for home learning this week (Ms Judy was disappointed by how few students completed theirs.)

- How to add supporting details about characters, and how to show readers time and setting in writing

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone.

Monday 24 May 2021

Cultural Unity Day at Owairaka!


Cultural Unity Day was a very special day for us all.

Below, Room 8 will provide, in the comments, a quick summary of one special moment they enjoyed during the day.

Monday 17 May 2021

Road Safety Week

 This week is Road Safety Week.  We encourage students and families to be safe on their way to and from school.  Please comment on our blog with your safety message.  Thank you!

Friday 14 May 2021

An update from Room 8

 It was fantastic to be able to celebrate the achievements of Zac and Liberty yesterday in our Kauri team assembly. Congratulations to you both.

We have celebrated NZ Sign Language Week at school, so most of us now can sign another official language of our country! Check in with us to see what we have learned. We are looking forward to showcasing our skills in today's school assembly.

We had a busy but successful week, with our second Garden to Table session, Te Reo Maori lessons starting with Whaea J'Amie, and Auckland Rugby visiting to teach us about Rippa Rugby. 

Next week we will be discussing the production in more detail, and will start to practice our routine. We will dress as businessmen and businesswomen for our role in the show. Please have your costume prepared for Week 5 (three weeks from now.) This will include a blazer or suit jacket, a collared shirt and trousers - and a briefcase, if possible. I will do what I can to support with providing some items.

Have a wonderful weekend.

This Week's Ponder!


We have learned more about our protagonist, Maddie, and her family over the past few chapters of our class novel, ''Canterbury Quake.''

Please comment below. Think about Maddie and her family in terms of personalities, and the way they have changed from the beginning of the story to after the earthquake happened.

Friday 7 May 2021

Garden to Table and Problem Solving in Maths

 We enjoyed our first session of Garden to Table this week. It was fantastic to be back in the gardens and kitchen here at Owairaka.

We enjoyed a delicious kumara and pumpkin salad, crackers with kawakawa pesto, and apple crumble. It was a great way to end our day as a little whanau.

We have also been busy working with 3D shapes in problem solving. Here are some snapshots of our groups in action.

A Friday update from Room 8!

 We have had an outstanding week in Room 8. We started the new term on a really positive note.

Congratulations to all swimmers who represented Room 8 in our Swimming Sports last term. We earned 5 class certificates in the class races, and we had some great individual results as well.

An impressive bunch of learners also earned a visit from Fairy Judy this week, after completing their Holiday Reading Logs. No wonder our students are humming along with their learning after the break, given the amount of reading they did at home during the holidays!

Congratulations to Christian, Marcella and Kato, who were awarded Duffy certificates for being outstanding during this week. 

Please check out our Anzac Day posts on our individual blogs. Also, stay tuned for our descriptive writing, which will be added to our blogs in the coming week. We are hoping for some meaningful feedback, so we can celebrate our successes and find some work-ons to improve what we have produced.