Tuesday 30 March 2021

Room 8 Ponder 30/3



Yesterday, we read the story 'The Three Fishing Brothers Gruff.' It really got us thinking, because it links perfectly to our inquiry topic and our focus on protecting our oceans.

Please add a comment below - what were some of the themes of the story? What was the moral of the story? What did you learn from this book?

Monday 29 March 2021

Oakley Creek Community Clean-up - Room 8 doing their part to support our environment


Room 8 contributed as kaitiaki to our local environment during the clean-up at Oakley Creek last week. Donna and Judy were very impressed with the effort put in by everyone involved. Carlos particularly stood out, and received a certificate for showing incredible kaitiakitanga. We are proud of what we achieved, and it is a good feeling to know that we made a difference to our local area. Thanks to Donna and Judy for taking us along, and to Donna for the excellent photography!

Friday 26 March 2021

Certificate Winners, and the Year 6's America's Cup Trip


Congratulations to our certificate winners this week - Charlotte, Levi, Phoenix and Carlos. We are proud of your achievements - keep up the good work!

The Year 6's had a fantastic time at the America's Cup village on Wednesday. Thank you so much to our family members who came along as parent helpers. Without you, we couldn't do trips like this. Please see some photos of our learners in action above!

Some photos from our Community Clean-up at Oakley Creek will be coming out shortly - stay tuned. We are kaitiaki for our environment, and we made a positive difference to our area by tidying up locally.

Lots of us are excited about the children's market at the Mt Albert Community Hall tomorrow morning. See if you can come along, and support our youth!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Tui Street Tales Ponder 5


Please give a detailed response in the comments, based on the story we are reading!

Thursday 18 March 2021

Kauri Assembly - and some special people to celebrate


We have had a huge week in Room 8 - I am predicting that there will be some tired faces in our class tomorrow afternoon.

Congratulations to Christian and Liberty, who received certificates this week. 

We have a very exciting week coming up next week, with the trip to Oakley Creek, and our Year 6's going on an America's Cup trip also!

See you all tomorrow - remember your swimming togs! 

Friday 12 March 2021

Certificate winners to end our week


Congratulations to Daerue and Rita, who were awarded with Duffy Caught Being Good certificates this week. Sadly we didn't have an assembly, but we celebrated their achievements in class.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Our students showing their pride!


Our boys showed their support for their team today, before the Blues take on the mighty Highlanders on Sunday afternoon.

It was a pleasant surprise, and they were more than happy to pose for a photo.

Who do you think will win this weekend's big game? For our rugby fans, make a prediction - which player will stand out? What do you think the score will be? Why will the Highlanders win?

Remember to keep comments appropriate, and written to a high standard (I know we are excited about the game, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be sensible when we are blogging to our global audience.)

Our Ponder for today

 On this week's edition of Kea Kids News, we learned that our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, regularly reads letters sent to her by school children all over the country!

In fact, letters from young kaitiaki persuaded her to begin a new project, to protect something very special in New Zealand waters. This links to the Young Ocean Explorers work we have been doing during Inquiry time.

Your Ponder for today:

'How did young people manage to stand strong, and  make a positive impact on our marine life?'

To answer this key question:

- Watch the clip 

- EITHER answer this key question on your blog as a blog post 


create an article review, where you preview the article on stuff.co.nz using Screencastify. During your review, make sure you answer the key question for your audience.

You will achieve success if you:

- provide some background information to explain what your task was

- Present (in writing, or speaking) a detailed answer to our key question, based on evidence from the text.

- include      - one adverb     - one strong sentence starter        - 100% correct full stops and capital letters

Follow this link to find the article.

A recap of our successful week

A big welcome to Saint Pius X Catholic School and Mangapapa School, who have been viewing and commenting on our blogs this week! Room 8 and their teacher (Mr Moore) are delighted to have a wide audience to share our work with. It also gives us the opportunity to learn from each other and from your feedback. A big thank you also to Room 25. We have valued your positive, thoughtful, questioning comments on our posts this week. We finish our swimming sessions this week. Luckily, the team will be back in Term 4. Well done to all Room 8 students who were committed to taking part, despite some challenging weather. You showed real manawanuitanga - and you will be safer in the water as a result of all you have learned. Have an amazing weekend everybody. Who knows - maybe I will see some of you at Eden Park for the big game this weekend! (Go the Highlanders!) Stay tuned this afternoon for our certificates for this week (there is no assembly today.)

Friday 5 March 2021

Fun Friday Home Learning Tasks!

Here are your Friday online learning tasks! I can't wait to see the online artworks you produce. Work hard, and I will see you all at 11am.

Thursday 4 March 2021

Today's Ponder - 4 March

Please add a comment expressing your ideas about this picture. Aim to include 3-4 high-quality sentences. Use rich describing language and express all of the questions in your mind about this!
Welcome to Thursday's home learning tasks! Remember, if you need more support with blogging, you can check out this link for further information (It can also be found on our Kauri Team Site.) Keep up the good work. I hope you managed to finish your writing task from yesterday!

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Wednesday's Home Learning Task

Please make sure you complete the expected tasks. We will be reviewing the keyboard activity, and the endangered animal/plant activity, during our Google Meet.

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Tuesday's Home Learning!

Here is your Home Learning for today! Please aim to finish Monday's tasks, so that you keep up to date with your learning.

Tuesday's Online Ponder

Please add your ideas in a comment below! Great way to start a Tuesday of learning!

Monday 1 March 2021

Today's home learning!

Kia ora Room 8. Here is your learning options for today. We will go through the cybersmart challenge together on our Google Meet today at 11am. We will also discuss how to use remove.bg. Check back on the blog daily to find your next installment of work! Don't forget to do the ponders on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.