Monday 21 June 2021

Blog Ponder - Class Novel


Please record your responses, in detail, in the comments!

Remember our writing focus this week is on structure:

Beginning - explain what the novel is about, and who Maddy is.

Middle - Explain what Maddy has learned, and provide evidence.

End - Sum up the key question - Overall, Maddy has learned...


  1. Hi, I’m Zac from Room 8 and Canterbury quake is book where 11 year old Madde experiences the great Christchurch and her and her family live through the disaster and learn some lessons.

    I think that Madde has learned to not take things far granted and the other peaple in her life are going through the some thing so she should not attack them just because she is sad about the earthquake. Madde has also learned to stop worrying about a phone and to start worrying about the peaple that have died. Blog you later!

  2. Hello Jarvis here, This book is about earthquakes in Canterbury the main character is Maddy before the earthquakes all Maddy wanted was a phone and because her birthday was coming up she thought she could get it. She keeped saying I need a phone because what if I need to contact you or 111. After the earthquakes hit Maddies family went to the mall and bought her a phone. Then the bigger earthquake happened and maddie forgot all about her phone because people were dying and Laura had left. A lesson she learnt was that her phone didn't matter any more, she was worried about the deaths and missing pets. She also learnt that some times in life you have to leave people and get on with it. Maddy has gotton a lot closer to her brother and sister and they have all been nice to each other.

    Overall Maddy has learnt that earthquakes bring people together and peopl care and worry for each other a lot more.
    Blog ya later

  3. Kia ora,

    I think Maddy learnt a lesson when she was worrying about a phone
    to worrying about people being killed. She heard that a baby had died.
    And Laura (Laura is her BFF) has moved to Timaru because of the earthquake.
    And she has develop a nice relationship with her sister Tessa.
    And she now is spending more time with her family.
    She has realized that the earthquake has done a lot of damage and Christchurch will never be the same!!
    And did you know that the earthquake was 7.1 inset it crazy
    hope you like my ponder for today

  4. Over all I think Maddy has learnt a lot through all the tough thing and she is learning what a earthquake can do!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kia ora Thomas Remy here, The book is about earthqauckes in Canterbury the main character is Maddy, Maddy is 11 years old she just got a phone she got it because if she was in trouble she needed to contact her Mum, Dad and 111. She has a friend called Lora and they are good friends and Lora has moved away to Timaru because a guy predicted one earthqauke and he also predicted another one but it didn't happen so everyone is now annoyed at him. She has a little brother called Jackson and loves lego (so do I). She also has a older sister. Since the earthqaukes hit her sister started being really nice.

    Maddie has learned that earthqaukes bring people closer together because there Uncles there aunties and their garandparents all stayed at there house. She learnt how to be bear grills because she had to boil her water and poop in a hole in her backyard.

    Overall Maddy has learned that earthqaukes are scary everything that want want get. Blog ya later. Remy

  7. The story of Canterbury Quake is about Christchurch having an earthquake, there is a family with three siblings. The big sister was called Tessa, the little brother was Jackson, and the main character was Maddy. Maddy learned that sometimes life is hard and you have to find ways to deal with it and never give up. Maddy used to think that Tessa and Jackson were annoying and mean, but after the earthquake she feels bad that she thought that because she likes them now. Maddy used to be jealous of Tessa, but now she loves her brother and sister.

  8. Kia Ora,
    In Canterbury Quake the main character is Maddie, she REALLY wanted a cellphone at the start of the book. She has a sister,Tessa (she dislikes) and a best friend who is Laura. Laura and Maddie are practicing a duet for choir.Her brother Jackson, All this was important to her before the earthquake. After the earthquake all this changes, she is nice to Tessa but is lonely because Laura moved to TIMARU! Her brother is scared of ALL the after shakes and Christchurch is destroyed and people have DIED because of this earthquake. THIS is important to her NOW. Overall that Maddie has learnt that something are more important than getting a cellphone and annoying your sister.
    I hope that answered you question!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Kia ora room 8,
    Mariam here!
    Maddy is 11 years old because her birthday was in august.
    In the beginning maddy had a fine life until the earthquake hit.
    In the middle Her friend laura moved away to timaru.
    In the end overall maddy learnt that family comes first!

    1. DO you know anything about Maddy Mr Moore?

  11. from the earthquake Maddy learned that life can be hard. people been hurt people dieing. So if she lose her family. She will lose the one that she loves. If maddy take care of her things like her brother,sister and parents, then the town would be fix. its like that maddy is the town and when she worry the earthquake comes so if she stop worrying the earthquake will stop. Bye!

  12. Canterbury Quake is a novel about Maddy and her family, based in Christchurch, where there were earthquakes in 2010 and 2011. Maddy used to think Jackson was annoying and naughty and gross. After the earthquake, Maddy has learned to not make fun of Jackson and wants to look after him more. She knows he is scared because he is wetting the bed and talking to the cat. Maddy has learned that sometimes life can be bad, but you have to deal with it. Laura, her best friend, went to Timaru, and Maddy was shocked and sad. Bettina is another girl at Maddy's school, who was being mean to Maddy at choir. Bettina tried not to cry, because her friend Zoe was leaving to another city.

  13. Kia ora Room 8, Charlotte here.
    At the begging of the book she was 10 turning 11, she wanted a phone,(partly because her friend Laura has one already). She always fights with her sister Tessa when shes around.
    In the middle she was getting ready for her singing duo with her friend Laura when the earthquake struck at 4.35am on the 4th of September 2010. The ground shock and everything collapsed and tumbled,as people including her family went for cover. She learnt that earthquakes stay with you forever and are terrifying when they happen and they have to be ready for anything.
    But over all she learnt to be ready for anything and her friend left and went to Timaru for safety and she had to be ready for that to. She also learnt not to take things for granted.
    Bye have a nice day.

  14. Kia Ora bloggers!Bella here! Room 8 has been reading Canterbury quake.I was not here on monday but this is stuff I remember from the book,so in the book there was this guy that predicted an earthquake on March 20 2011 (And if you know me well you will know why that is a special to me).Lots of people hated him and moved to another city. But in christchurch March 20 2011... the earthquake did not happen!!!! (Its also because I was born) Blog ya later! Thanks for sharing!
    If you were in a earthquake would you be frightened?
    Bye! From Bella

  15. Hi Room 8,
    Rita.L here.
    In class we have been reading a book called the Canterbury quake its about a girl named Maddy and she lives in Canterbury and they had a 7.1 earthquake.

    Maddy and her sister were never very nice to each other but while and after the earthquake there talked nicer to each other and they also were more friendly to each other. Maddy lost her best friend Luara because of the earthquake (she didn't die) Laura moved to Timaru because her family couldn't deal with all the earthqaukes and aftershoocks that they had ever single day. Some times the after shocks would be big but some time they would also be small but effective. I think Maddy learn't that family and friends mean alot and not to take thing for granted.

    Overall Maddy learn't that every little thing means alot and there are heaps of people without stuff in the world


  16. Canterbury Quake is a novel about Mady and her Family, in the earthquakes in Christchurch.

    Maddy learned that life can be good and bad sometimes. She learned that she could make new friends, because she was lonely and her friend left Christchurch. She learned to take care of her brother instead of bullying him.

  17. Hi I'm Byesion from rm 8. I think that Maddy has learened quite alot throughout this grand scheme. at first she only cared about getting a cellphone. but little did she know that her whole world would go crashing down until there was nothing left. The earthquake was starting they were in bed when the first one hit. They all woke up immediately. this is when it all started to crumble. That's all I'll be able write. BYE!

  18. hi Etena here.the noble that we read is about when there was a earth Quake in chrischurch.
    maddie has learn to always to stick with her family

  19. Kia Ora Mr Moore George here. the novel is about a eleven year old that lives in the south island and she lives in caterbury and her name is Maddy and she has been going through a tough time. ever since the earthqaukes hit everyine has been nice to each other such as her sister Tessa they have been nice to each other but before the earthqauke they hated each other. Maddy lost her friend Laura because they moved to Timaru and shes been on her own. Maddy has learnt that life can be tough but you just have to relise that its normal and your going to face problems like heeps in your life.
    Blog ya later

  20. Hi my name is Christian, In the beginning Maddy was jelous of her sister because she had a sellphone. Maddy wants a sellphone. After the earthquake she dosent really want the phone, all she watch outs is her family, the earthquakes and Scary and Sad deaths. A guy that just out of nowhere and started saying the there a gonna be more earthquakes. Bye

  21. Hi my name is Levi from your Class Room. She use to be arany to sister and brother but now she is kind to them. maddy is 11 years old because birthday was in august. bye see you later

  22. Hi this is Carlos. Maddie was worried about getting A Phone and being mean to her sibling and then the earthquake came and now she is very nice to a lot of people. Blog ya later CaRloS

  23. Kia ora Rm8 mila here
    we are reading a called canterbury Quake we have met maddy and her sister timaru they had a Big earthquakes. maddy Best friend laura has left the school maddy was so sad when she left maddy has learned that family cames frist

  24. Middle was so up set because she did't get a iphone like the sis. I think middle was up set because she did't get a phone and when the earthquake was haping she was get a node ov her sis when it stop at 12:34 and one more earthquake come to the some place. when the earthquake was den they went out ov the house and look out side.when btena was boiling the girls and when they were getting belling she was chaing to halp them.I think the erathquake was bad for them and it hapn at 2010. I look at the book and think it was fake because it look like it was't renll but it was rnill. If you was by the earthquake what will you do.beyyy

  25. Bula Vinaka my name is Taniela,
    I attend St Pius X School, and wwwoooowwww, you guys have so many comment based on the story, I think this comments are good they have a very good explanation about the story.

  26. Kia ora my name is Pauline i come from St Pius X school. wow fantastic work i wanted to say
    Good job and keep up the good and brillant work.

  27. kia ora room8 im Nicolas froom room24. and We did something similar to this in one of our Blog ponders. What are some lessons that Maddy Learnt in earthquakes? Blog you Later


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